parco archeologico di rudiae

The Messapian walls were subjected to archaeological restrictions to promote their protection, without however involving a program of systematic investigations. In the mid-1980s the expropriation proposal for Fondo Acchiatura was presented to the Ministry and with the subsequent acquisition the archaeological park of Rudiae was established. Over the last two decades, the topographic investigations carried out by the Laboratory of Ancient Topography and Photogrammetry of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Salento have allowed the preparation of the archaeological map of the site. Starting from 2011, the excavation of the Rudiae amphitheater was carried out, in collaboration between the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Provinces of Brindisi, Lecce and Taranto and the Municipality of Lecce, in an area of the recently acquired Messapian settlement by the municipal administration, thanks to a PRUSST loan. The research brought to light almost entirely the perimeter ring of the monument, the radial corridors (vomitoria) that divided the auditorium into wedges and part of the substructures on which the rows of seats rested. Also in 2011, as part of the valorization project promoted by the Regional Directorate for Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Puglia, excavation tests were conducted in the north-western sector of the Rudiae city walls. The excavations involved a section of the external moat and the mighty Messapian fortification, lined both internally and externally by opus quadratum wall structures with limestone blocks, for a total thickness of approx. 8 m. The excavation of the amphitheater resumed from November 2014 until September 2015, with POIn FESR 2007-2013 funding (Enhancement of areas of cultural attraction – Line 1), and allowed the southern half of the building to be brought to light from spectacle up to arena level. Between 2016 and 2017, the new project for the recovery and valorization of the archaeological area of Rudiae, financed with FSC 2007/2013 funds, made it possible to bring the northern sector of the monument to light and to carry out an initial conservative intervention on the wall structures , as well as the in situ repositioning of some blocks. The field activities, with the scientific coordination of Francesco D’Andria, directed by the architects Enrico Ampolo and Roberto Bozza, were carried out by the companies Nicolì SpA (2014-2015) and De Marco SRL-Lithos SRL (2016-2017), with the archaeological assistance of the company Archeologia Ricerca e Valorizzazione SRL (A.R.Va), a spin-off of the University of Salento.

The Rudiae Archaeological Park is about 3 km south-west from Lecce. The entrance to the Park, equipped with an internal car park in the Fondo Acchiatura area, is located in Via A. Mazzotta (40°19’55.6″ N 18°08’46.3″ E), in front of the IISS Presta Columella. For the visit (which lasts about an hour), we recommend comfortable shoes, hat/hat and water.




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3491186667 – 3495907685

turismo rurale
26 companies at the “Exhibition of rural tourism and typical products” in Verona to promote the southern Salento internal area

From 9 to 12 November, the GAL Capo di Leuca will set up a stand to promote the territory as part of the 125th edition of “FIERACAVALLI” in Verona, within the “SALON OF RURAL TOURISM AND TYPICAL PRODUCTS” (Hall 1 – Stand 8 -9-10-11). The initiative takes place in the context of the project “Promotion and enhancement of the tourist offer of South Salento”, financed by Action 6.8 of the POC “Interventions for the competitive repositioning of tourist destinations”, owned by the Union of Municipalities “Terra of Leuca”.
The recipients of the intervention are the agri-food, artisan and tourist companies of the Municipalities of the Southern Salento Internal Area: Alessano, Castrignano del Capo, Corsano, Gagliano del Capo, Miggiano, Montesano Salentino, Morciano di Leuca, Patù, Presicce – Acquarica, Ruffano, Hello, Specchia, Taurisano, Tiggiano, Tricase and Ugento. The companies will display information material with the aim of promoting the tourist offer closely connected to the rural resources of the area and the gastronomic heritage.

On Saturday 11 November, at Massimago Wine Relais in Mezzane di Sotto, on the outskirts of Verona, an off-show event will take place, with the aim of promoting the South Salento tourist offer in a more direct and targeted way and of meeting professionals: journalists, bloggers, opinion leaders, photographers in the tourism sector. Participants will be offered a tasting of typical Salento dishes, a “virtual visit” to the beauties of the Municipalities of the Southern Salento Internal Area and a pizzica show.

The 125th edition of Fieracavalli, one of the most important events for lovers of horse riding but also of life in contact with nature and sustainable holidays, will be able to count on 128,644 m2. of net surface area used, with 700 exhibitors from 25 countries; every year it records over 140,000 visitors, coming from 57 countries, with the participation of around 500 journalists, of which 55 are foreign. The Rural Tourism & Typical Products Exhibition occupies a space of approximately 15 thousand square meters of surface area, which brings together the best Italian food and wine products, but also a tourist offer capable of meeting the needs of those who want to experience the area through the specialties that make it unique, from north to south, passing through the islands to choose the next destination dedicated to slow and sustainable tourism. An event aimed at the general public entirely dedicated to tourism and the rural lifestyle, a unique opportunity to learn about agritourisms, Bed Breakfasts, educational farms, typical products, wine and flavor routes, but also innovative technologies and materials.

In Verona, the organization of participation in the “Exhibition of Rural Tourism and Typical Products” and the event outside the exhibition will be handled by the Pugliesi Padova Association, registered in the regional register of Associations of Pugliesi in the World, which has as its statutory objectives the construction of collaboration networks between the socioeconomic and cultural systems of Puglia. The Association boasts many years of experience in promoting the Apulian territory, and Salento in particular, its food and wine excellences, its cultural attractions and its scenic beauty, within national and international exhibitions and events held in Veneto.

Twenty-six agricultural, artisan and tourist companies have joined the initiative and which, together with the LAG Capo di Leuca, will exhibit their promotional material in Verona: La Farges – Miggiano, Masseria Gianferrante – Ugento, Corte degli Allori – Castrignano del Capo, B&B La Rosa dei Venti – Tricase; Plafi Car Rental – Specchia, Masseria Didattica Tumeddi – Morciano di Leuca, B&B Serra Peccatori – Specchia, Agriturismo Amaranto – Salve, Villa Loculizzi – Salve, Agriturismo Zio Zac – Salve, Liquorificio Essentiae – Ugento, B&B Palazzo La Traja – Gagliano del Capo, B&B Scoglio di Pirro – Ugento, B&B Incanto Salento – Ugento, Salento Diving – Alessano, La Cozza Restaurant – Salve, Agriturismo Sante Le Muse – Salve, Agri Beach Eden Salento – Salve, Nemo Excursions – Salve, Maldives of Salento – Salve, Le Cinque Vele – Salve, ViverE’ – Presicce – Acquarica, B&B Borgo Solare – Specchia, Relais Masseria S. Antonio – Salve, Agriturismo Sikalindi – Gagliano del Capo and Agriturismo/Dimore Ceddhe – Hello.

turismo rurale
26 aziende al “Salone del turismo rurale e dei prodotti tipici”di Verona per promuovere l’area interna sud Salento

Il GAL Capo di Leuca dal 9 al 12 novembre allestirà uno stand di promozione del territorio nell’ambito della 125ª edizione di “FIERACAVALLI” di Verona, all’interno del “SALONE DEL TURISMO RURALE E DEI PRODOTTI TIPICI” (Padiglione 1 – Stand 8-9-10-11). L’iniziativa si svolge nel contesto del progetto “Promozione e valorizzazione dell’offerta turistica Sud Salento”, finanziato dall’Azione 6.8 del POC “Interventi per il riposizionamento competitivo delle destinazioni turistiche”, di cui è titolare l’Unione dei Comuni “Terra di Leuca”.

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L’AD di FS Ferraris: «Le stazioni non utilizzate saranno presidi di telemedicina»

«Con la nostra rete ferroviaria possiamo portare la fibra ottica di nuova generazione anche nelle aree rurali migliorando il lavoro degli agricoltori».

Dal palco del Villaggio Coldiretti a RomaLuigi Ferraris, AD di FS Italiane, ha sottolineato quanto la capillarità della rete ferroviaria di circa 17mila chilometri possa essere fondamentale per raggiungere aree che spesso non hanno una connettività adeguata e che quindi non riescono ad essere competitive per il settore agricolo.

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Nel Parco Archeologico di Rudiae a Lecce continuano i week end di visite guidate ed eventi speciali alla scoperta della città prima messapica (VII sec. a.C.) e poi romana (III sec. a.C.), nota soprattutto per aver dato i natali al padre della letteratura latina Quinto Ennio (239-169 a.C.). Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre il Parco Archeologico, in occasione della decima edizione del festival Conversazioni sul futuro, ospiterà due presentazioni con la giornalista Valentina De Poli (già direttrice di Topolino) e con l’archeologo Paolo Giulierini (direttore dal 2015 del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli). I due appuntamenti si apriranno (sabato alle 15 e domenica alle 11 – ingresso gratuito e prenotazione obbligatoria 3491186667 – 3495907685) con le visite guidate gratuite a cura degli archeologi di ArVa Srl.

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“Innovare con e nella sociologia. Pratiche, metodi, diritti” è il tema dell’edizione 2023 della “Settimana della Sociologia”, iniziativa nazionale giunta alla sesta edizione. A Lecce sono in programma diversi incontri dal 16 al 19 ottobre, organizzati dal Dipartimento di Scienze umane e sociali dell’Università del Salento nell’atrio del complesso universitario Studium 2000 (via di Valesio), nell’aula di UniSalento all’interno del carcere di Borgo San Nicola e presso le Officine Culturali Ergot (piazzetta Falconieri).

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